I have been asked to switch from writing about my trips out of the country to items of interest about me and items of a more timely nature.  So based on these requests I am trying different items.  Please let me know if this is something you like.  Send me a comment, or click the like button.


Some time ago I began to do laundry.  It was not very difficult or so I thought.  In time, I learned to understand the purpose for various soaps, additives and the importance of hot, cold and warm water.  Each time I did laundry I learned just a little more about cleaning fabrics.  I discovered that it was easy to sort laundry so similar items could be cleaned and then dried.  I learned the tricks to made fabric soft and fresh so it felt better than new when it touched your skin.

The biggest secret was the art of folding items of clothing once they exited the dryer. I learned to fold clothes just the way we find them in stores.  I watched the sales staffs fold the merchandise for as long as I dared.  Then I would practice at home trying to do the same with my items of clothing.  When I purchased something new I would take my time to unfold the items and then try and fold it back into the same.  I soon became someone who could fold just about anything that needed to be washed.

With the ability of being able to do laundry and the skill of an expert folder, wash days were not a drag for me.  This ability aided me in my travels because I could pack less and folded items stored much more neatly in my suitcase.  I was the Great Washer Man!

(Tomorrow will be the final part of this story)