A Visit to a special church in Ecuador


Today we are going on a full day of sightseeing. We are planning to see the Inca ruins here in Ecuador. This may be a special day as we will not be buying any more items for the family or Marti and with the one dollar coin purse as my memento of this special vacation trip how could I ask for more. My life is wonderful. Our driver along with our guide picked us up at 8:00 am and at that time we met Vickie and Doug from Chicago. They along with a young student from Germany would be the total touring group. What luck, Vickie and Doug are very pleasant people and easy to talk with. Our student is also pleasant and very happy to be enjoying this tour with all of us. Tour groups can be very difficult sometimes all it takes is just one person in the group to spoil the tour. No one spoiled this tour group of people.
Away we went driving out of Cuenca heading to the Inca ruins. Along the way we stopped at a church. My sister Mary Anne and Marti’s mother Gloria should appreciate this story. It seems that the people in this area of Ecuador were suffering a severe drought. Crops were failing, animals were dying, and some people started to move outside the area. At that time the remaining people went up to the side of a mountain overlooking the area and started to pray to the Virgin Mary. During their prayers to the Virgin it started to rain. When the people saw this they choose to build a church on the spot where they were praying. This is why the church was built high on the mountain to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary.
After walking up over two hundred steps at an altitude of close to twelve thousand feet I was able to see inside the church. The simplistic beauty of the church was overwhelming. I could tell that each person was not only struck by both the use of the mountain and the addition of the church to thank and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary that they became quiet in their own thoughts. I was still trying to catch my breath but once my heart returned to normal I was able to enjoy the quiet beauty as well. On our return to the van my old fear of height came back to me and I found myself clinging to the walls.

Photos of the Inca Ruins in

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Just another Note: As I stated yesterday I am including some photos of the ruins of this ancient Inca village located in Cuenca.  I hope these photos assist you to feel a part of our trip.  I will continue to provide more photos.  I hope you all enjoy this photo session.